#1: Yoshi

#2: Toast

#3: Link

#4: Zelda

#5: Bowser

#6: Gwonam

#7: Daniel Craig

#8: Yoko

#9: Smirking Bitch

#10: Hungry Pumkin

#11: Sanik

#12: Big Boss

#13: Family Guy

#14: Hatsune Miku

#15: John Madden

#16: Reggie Fils-Aimé

#17: Keanu Reeves

#18: Speed Racer

#19: Harrison Ford

#20: Ganon

#21: Tyrannosaurus Alan

#22: George Volcano

#23: Hank Hill

#24: Façade

#25: Gardevoir

#26: Bono AFRICANS

#27: Lum the Invader Girl

#28: The Koopalings

#29: Viacom


#31: M. Bison

#32: Mega Man

#33: Impa

#34: Chad Warden

#35: ADEE

#36: Mr. Ratburn

#37: Mr. Towes

#38: Tito

#39: Luigi's Chinese Cowboy Impression

#40: Ronald Reagan

#41: King Dedede

#42: Piano-Chan

#43: YEE

#44: TotallyOriginalHog

#45: kinghomer45

#46: The YouChew Cruise

#47: Smug Porky

#48: Manson Dope

#49: 3-Eyed Blue Luigi

#50: Mobian Measles

#51: Uctions

#52: Stu Making Pudding at 4am

#53: Sonic Adventure 2

#54: PimpsAhoy

#55: Maximilien de Robespierre

#56: Soulja Boy

#57: Bill O'Reilly

#58: Feral AIDS Children

#59: DeviantArt

#60: Loss

#61: Fat Mario & Gay Luigi

#62: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

#63: Team Fortress 2

#64: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

#65: SpongeBob SquarePants

#66: Lucky Star

#67: Food Staff

#68: Lou Albano & Danny Wells

#69: Angry Video Game Nerd

#70: Cory in the House

#71: Chewiki

#72: YTPMV

#73: YTP News

#74: Poop Tennis

#75: Poop Collabs

#76: Video Editors

#77: Sonic and Tails

#78: Scratch & Grounder

#79: Eeveelutions

#80: The King's Epic Adventure

#81: Dr. Rabbit

#82: I.M. Meen

#83: Frollo

#84: Genie

#85: Gaston

#86: The Powerpuff Girls

#87: Morshu & Ushrom

#88: Donkey Kong

#89: King K. Rool

#90: quebecgamers.com

#91: Dr. Ivo Robotnik

#92: Mama Luigi

#93: Hulk Hogan

#94: Conrad Slater

#95: King Harkinian


#97: Wheel Gator

#98: Philips CD-i


#100: YouChew